What To Do About Creditors Harassing You


Few things are more nerve-wracking and humiliating than calls from creditors demanding money. Feeling anxious every time your phone rings can leave you in a state of constant stress that can impact every area of your life.

Attorney George Belche knows that many Georgians are still trying to figure out how to overcome the financial ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic. With more lockdowns possible, the repercussions of even more financial struggles are enough to put many people over the edge. Even though millions of Americans are in the same boat with financial struggles, creditors are working overtime trying to get the money that the companies they represent are demanding. Creditors do not have the right to use unfair harassment schemes to intimidate people for payment.

Stop Creditor Harassment

There are laws against abusive debt collection tactics. Under the Federal Trade Commission, which is designed to protect America’s consumers, the Fair Debt Collection Protection Act states that “a debt collector may not engage in any conduct the natural consequence of which is to harass, oppress, or abuse any person in connection with the collection of a debt.” (§ 806)

People are often confused and overwhelmed when they begin to receive calls from a debt collection agency. They often do not know where their rights start, and creditor harassment should stop. The following are abusive actions that should never be accepted from debt collectors:

  • Repeated phone calls at all hours of the day and night
  • Calls at work, which may endanger your job
  • Calls to family members making threats or demanding payments
  • Misleading victims with threats of wage garnishment or criminal charges
  • Repeated letters demanding payment and threatening legal action

The Fair Debt Collection Protection Act provides you with rights against harassment and abusive treatment. George R. Belche, Attorney at Law, can explain your rights and help stop creditor harassment. Regardless of how bleak your current financial circumstances appear, you have options. The law office of George R. Belche will help you explore all options for debt relief and end creditor harassment.

George R. Belche, Attorney at Law
189 W Pike St, #103
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
(770) 963-3117